Welcome on the C2i 2019 - 8th Interdisciplinarity Instrumentation Conference
Instrumentation is at the heart of scientific and industrial progress. Instrumentation is a major contribution to charaterize materials, make non destructive testing, study of biological state. Finally It makes a significant contribution to quality improvement and industrial productivity. Starting from this initial purpose, it seemed clear to us that a major issue is instrumentation integration in the Factory of the Future. How to sort, organize, process Big data ?
The conference is located at : Arts et Metiers School is the cross point of education, technology transfer center (Fahrenheit, Inef4), research center (IRT Saint Exupéry) and research laboratory (I2M).
The Congress program will include plenary and invited lectures, oral and poster sessions, and exhibition of sensor and instrument equipment.
You are cordially invited to contribute to the scientific program of the conference and to participate in social events that will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues.
We look forward to welcome you in Bordeaux.
Alain Sommier
President of the Organizing Committee
All accpeted papers will be referenced with a DOI. One specail issue of I2M journal will be dedicated to excellent papers.
Instrumentation medical imaging
Chemical Instrumentation ,
Measures for environmental an alimentary process,
Measures for automotive, aeronautical and naval industries,
Non Destructive Testing,
Optical measurement,
Multiscal and multispectral techniques (IR, Terahertz)